Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Treasure Hunt

After yesterday's post I decided to go around the house with our camera snapping pictures of the items that we have gotten for free or second (third, fourth) hand from various sources including garage sales, online, consignment shops, and friends.  I had also forgotten to mention yesterday the clothing swap that my friend Tonya had arranged last year that was a huge hit.  I was able to pull together a whole winter wardrobe at that event!  So here's so pics to inspire you to search, have a little patience and ASK around for what your family might need!

future gifts shhh!

Our trusty bread maker that I use for all things 
needing to be kneaded

the wok for Adam

Montessori puzzles

This is 1/3 left of the scrap paper I have used
for the last 5 years of daycare


1.99 basket to keep the markers,
pencils, crayons, glue and scissors ready
for the kids enjoyment

Wet Jet Mop

Used Ottawa

Used Ottawa super cheap

Boomerang Kids

various garage sales

Can you tell what Hannah's favorite past time /
excuse to not go to bed is?

Plasma car: $4 at Sally Ann's!

'Rainbow' play structure - $400 used vs $3000 new
plus, the cozy coupe was a brand new curb side find!

Castle my mom picked up used, but our kids didn't 
play with it...passed it on to our friend Malcolm
Note: Hannah's figure skates were $6 at Sally Ann's
and we leave them at Mac's so she doesn't have to 
remember to bring her skates 

Huge 18 foot trampoline (far left) from used Ottawa, we also picked 
up another free 12 foot one at the end of the year with an enclosure 
for Jill...the Diego one will need to be passed on as a gift to a friend's 
toddler at some point.

Wooden Kitchen Set for the Wakefield Playgroup

This is all just in the past 6 months...so you can imagine how much has been picked up and passed on over the past 4 years since joining Freecycle.  We were also given a children's playhouse when we moved but unfortunately don't have a picture.  Plus, I forgot to mention all the larger items that our family's lend us instead of purchasing such as my MIL's Kitchen Aid mixer and food processor; my bro's Bissell to clean the carpets and furniture; and anytime we need an extra shovel, ladder, or wheelbarrow we head over to our awesome neighbour's instead of running out to buy something.  In turn everyone knows that if they need a lift, the snowblower, painting supplies, a bike, bike trailer etc., they know where to come to borrow one!



  1. Holy smokes! So much good stuff for the taking out there. I've been trying to check the second hand resources first lately - thanks to you! LOVE that basket for the art supplies! Will be on the lookout for one of those!

  2. Didn't mean to offend you by using male terms. Just like you have girls, I have boys so I use the male terms explaining things to them. I see your point though and I changed my vocab. Thanks!


  3. No offence taken whatsoever! My husband calls me the PC police :)
